Nova the #TherapyCat October 2024 Edition

I love the name my human parents gave me – “Nova”. It is an astronomical word, describing the sudden brightening of a star. It is an explosion of light. I hope I can bring you a little “light” in these blogs. And as Nova the #TherapyCat, I am glad to get to share with you stories and insights about my growth and maturing. I am always going to be playful and full of energy. My kitten spirit is not going away. And this month I am excited to introduce you to Moose – the new four legged friend in the house. Welcome to Nova the #TherapyCat October 2024 Edition.

What is this large and loud object that rolls across the floor? My human parents pass this hose extension all over the floors. How do you feel when you experience something new? It makes me both afraid and curious. My human father says new stuff is stimulating because it is interesting. It is also not uncommon to have a mix of emotions when see or try new things. Maybe like me, you feel fearful and curious, or maybe you feel surprised and excited. We probably should not give up on exploring new things in our life. As for me I am planning a sneak attack on this odd thing. I will successfully attack and deactivate it. I will let you know how it goes in a future post.

This tunnel is my favorite place. It is a spot for feeling safe and planning sneak attacks. Everybody needs a safe space. I recommend you find a space in your home or in a nearby park, a place you can sit and rest. But don’t let it become a permanent spot to hide. You gotta make some sneak attacks. You need to contribute to the joy, excitement, and newness in this world. Where would we all be if there was no surprise? I am a master of surprise. Just ask my human mother. I can make her jump at least once a day. So here is the takeaway – Don’t use your safe spaces for isolation. Rest. Recharge. Jump into life, make sure everyone knows you exist, and show you are alive!

Sleep is one of my favorite things. Now, we cat folk need more sleep than you human types, which makes sleep no less Important for you guys. I get as much sleep as I can, and I highly recommend it. What is your sleep schedule? Are you getting enough? One of my top recommendations as Nova the #TherapyCat is to get regular and consistent sleep. Find you a cozy soft space, get comfortable, and get some rest!

This is me wrapped up in some Amazon packing paper. I bet you get some of this stuff at your house regularly. I love this stuff. It’s noisy, and it hides all sorts of surprises. It’s fantastic that something so plain can bring so much joy. I think we can all benefit from finding joy in small things. Can you try that today? Look around your house or step outside for a walk and look for some of the small things. My human parents were telling me the other day about hearing the calls of the screech owls in the park near our house. I am sure that sound is pretty sweet (of course I might not mind getting my paws one of those little birdies, heehee).

Introducing Moose

This is Moose. He is a greyhound mix, and he belongs to my human sister. She adopted him from a local shelter and surprised me by bringing him home. He is pretty cool. I stalk him, but he mostly chases me. He thinks he is pretty intelligent, but he does not understand the superior intellectual nature of cats. I let him believe he can catch me, but I always escape. I have to be careful and not allow my superiority make me feel all prideful and arrogant. Moose is my friend. Here is the lesson from Nova the #TherapyCat – Have fun with all the new friends in your life, and always treat them with kindness and respect.

I hope you have enjoyed Nova the #TherapyCat October 2024 Edition. I look forward to seeing you in a few months.

Nova The #TherapyCat – June 2024 Edition

Nova is back at it after a bit of the break this spring. She is experiencing a bit of increased naughtiness with her aggression. Her owners think it is trauma and growing up related, but Nova has remained silent on the issue. She says that she is working on her issues in therapy. Maybe she will share her insights here. Nevertheless, Nova’s parents are lovingly teaching her and supporting her in all of her efforts to be an emotionally healthy cat. Welcome to Nova The #TherapyCat – June 2024 Edition. Here are some of her latest reflections.

Dr. Mark DeYoung, marriage therapist,  experienced marriage therapist, Dr. Mark DeYoung, LMFT, online therapy, online counseling, Online Marriage and Family Therapist, Local therapist, Top rated counselor near me, Fort Worth, Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, 817-988-8242, relationship crisis, marriage crisis, marriage therapy, BetterHelp, growtherapy, talkspace, Gottman Method, Gottman, top rated counselor, top rated therapist, best therapist, best counselor, experienced therapist, friendly therapist, happy marriage, relationship therapy, parenting, family therapy, marriage therapy, marriage advice, strong family, strong marriage, love and marriage, couples therapy, couples counseling, onlinetherapy, regain, attachment therapist

Reader, it might be a bit hard to tell from this picture, but my cat parents took this picture of me balancing on top of the second-floor banister. I love the view from up here. I honestly think it is kind of intimidating to the humans around here because they can’t balance like me. You gotta face your fears sometimes – BE BRAVE – and get above things for a whole new perspective.

Pretty cute, right? I took this photo a little bit after getting in trouble for attacking my cat mom’s feet. Smiling can go a long way to reconnect when there has been a disconnection. I am trying to say all the “I’m Sorrys” I can with my eyes. Do you think it is working? I do recommend that if you hurt someone you love, take ownership of your mistakes. Don’t just try and act silly like me in hopes that will be what fixes it.

Dr. Mark DeYoung, marriage therapist,  experienced marriage therapist, Dr. Mark DeYoung, LMFT, online therapy, online counseling, Online Marriage and Family Therapist, Local therapist, Top rated counselor near me, Fort Worth, Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, 817-988-8242, relationship crisis, marriage crisis, marriage therapy, BetterHelp, growtherapy, talkspace, Gottman Method, Gottman, top rated counselor, top rated therapist, best therapist, best counselor, experienced therapist, friendly therapist, happy marriage, relationship therapy, parenting, family therapy, marriage therapy, marriage advice, strong family, strong marriage, love and marriage, couples therapy, couples counseling, onlinetherapy, regain, attachment therapist
Dr. Mark DeYoung, marriage therapist,  experienced marriage therapist, Dr. Mark DeYoung, LMFT, online therapy, online counseling, Online Marriage and Family Therapist, Local therapist, Top rated counselor near me, Fort Worth, Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, 817-988-8242, relationship crisis, marriage crisis, marriage therapy, BetterHelp, growtherapy, talkspace, Gottman Method, Gottman, top rated counselor, top rated therapist, best therapist, best counselor, experienced therapist, friendly therapist, happy marriage, relationship therapy, parenting, family therapy, marriage therapy, marriage advice, strong family, strong marriage, love and marriage, couples therapy, couples counseling, onlinetherapy, regain, attachment therapist

I’m hiding. I have learned that we often hide when we feel ashamed. I do feel bad when I upset my cat parents. I am working on taking ownership of my misplaced aggression. I am also trying to be vulnerable with my feelings rather than hiding behind my ankle attacks.

I do get sad sometimes. I know that you probably remember that I lost my mother when I was very young. This was an early attachment injury. But I also experienced a traumatic attack from a dog in my first home. This trauma has complicated my recovery. I sometimes get a bit aggressive because I think I need to protect myself even though, in my new home, I know I am safe. My cat dad is actually an expert in attachment. If you want his human help you can find out more on his website here.

Dr. Mark DeYoung, marriage therapist,  experienced marriage therapist, Dr. Mark DeYoung, LMFT, online therapy, online counseling, Online Marriage and Family Therapist, Local therapist, Top rated counselor near me, Fort Worth, Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, 817-988-8242, relationship crisis, marriage crisis, marriage therapy, BetterHelp, growtherapy, talkspace, Gottman Method, Gottman, top rated counselor, top rated therapist, best therapist, best counselor, experienced therapist, friendly therapist, happy marriage, relationship therapy, parenting, family therapy, marriage therapy, marriage advice, strong family, strong marriage, love and marriage, couples therapy, couples counseling, onlinetherapy, regain, attachment therapist
Dr. Mark DeYoung, marriage therapist,  experienced marriage therapist, Dr. Mark DeYoung, LMFT, online therapy, online counseling, Online Marriage and Family Therapist, Local therapist, Top rated counselor near me, Fort Worth, Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, 817-988-8242, relationship crisis, marriage crisis, marriage therapy, BetterHelp, growtherapy, talkspace, Gottman Method, Gottman, top rated counselor, top rated therapist, best therapist, best counselor, experienced therapist, friendly therapist, happy marriage, relationship therapy, parenting, family therapy, marriage therapy, marriage advice, strong family, strong marriage, love and marriage, couples therapy, couples counseling, onlinetherapy, regain, attachment therapist

Sitting and thinking under the lamplight on top of the piano is a perfect space. It feels safe for me here, and when I am safe, I can think clearly. Meditation and reflection are great mindfulness activities that help us process all the emotions of the day.

Nova the #TherapyCat

Nova has been a popular addition to the blogs. Her first offering was so well received that over 95% said they wanted her to write a regular contribution. So, after a restful holiday season, Nova has told me she has some new insights to share. She even said she was willing to talk about a bit of her trauma history.

Holidays are a time for giving and receiving gifts. But sometimes the best gifts are in the unexpected surprises of any celebration. Jumping in and out of a gift bag brings joy and surprise to everyone. Nova wants to encourage everyone to try and find joy in the unexpected.

After all the holiday celebrations, when all the decorations are put away and the house is cleaned, rest is important. Nova wants to remind everyone that scheduling in a good period of rest is healthy.

Nova became an orphan early in her life. She was born at a car dealership sales lot, and her mom was hit by a car only a few weeks into her life. She was quickly whisked away into an adoptive home. Nova still has periods of sadness when she thinks about her loss. But she wants to remind everyone that waves of grief are a normal part of coping with loss.

Hiding might be either good or bad. If we hide to bring surprise, that joy might be good. Of course, our impulsive leaps might scare someone and prompt an unexpected yell. This might cause the second type of hiding: covering up from shame. But if we hide out of shame, we must work on our vulnerability. Nova likes the work of Brene Brown, who suggests one of our tools for healing our shame is reaching out, “Are you owning and sharing your story? We cannot experience empathy if we are not connecting.”

Nova asks, “Do you have a safe place?” Where do you go to process your experiences and feelings? Do you have a space, like a comfy bed, or do you go to a place in your mind? Nova recommends having a safe space. Nova’s is a comfy bed by the window, which is especially nice when the warm sun moves across it in the morning.

Have a happy February!

Nova the #TherapyCat

Nova, the #TherapyCat 

Nova is the current pet resident (therapist) in our home. We have had many pets in our home through the years, but none have been more interested in the therapeutic happenings of our home than Nova. For many of you who have been in therapy sessions with Dr. DeYoung, you have sometimes witnessed her joining me for our sessions. Please know you have no worries about her breaking any confidence, and she is entirely HIPAA compliant. She has received all the necessary training and certifications to ensure the trustworthy handling of your stories. 

Nova is relatively young. As of this writing, she is only 18 months old, but she is a fast learner and has developed quite a few therapeutic insights that might be a bit wiser than her years. She asked if she could offer some occasional tidbits of wisdom about mental health on this blog, and I agreed to give her a shot. She is on a bit of a “short leash” (cats don’t like leashes), so if this first effort goes well, we might let her come back with a few more things to say.

So here she is, Nova, the #TherapyCat.

​Here is Nova observing her world from a perch high above. Nova says you sometimes need to rise above the chaos to see things more clearly. She also recommends waiting patiently in this new space before reacting. We all need time outs. 

Nova is a firm believer in getting her rest. There is nothing wrong with finding the most comfortable spot while you recharge. ​

Nova is a trauma survivor. She is not quite ready to share the details of her early life traumas; she has learned something about threats. Sometimes, when assessing a threat, it is essential to change your perspective, seek a new vantage point, and recognize from your new viewpoint that the danger is not so threatening. ​

Though Nova is an indoor cat only, she highly recommends the outdoors and getting exercise for your mental well-being. She soaks up the rays from the outdoors every chance she gets.  Nova says being in the sun and getting some Vitamin D is good for your emotional well-being.

Lastly, Nova recalls the work of the renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. She says play increases her experience of Flow. She encourages us to play more because it is good for our bodies and minds.