Dr. Mark DeYoung is a Marriage Therapist with over 25 years of experience.

Mark DeYoung is currently licensed as a Marriage Therapist and Family Therapist with over twenty-five years experience counseling and helping families and children. His BA is in Human Resources, and Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. He completed his PhD in Child Development in the spring of 2008. His dissertation was titled, “Attachment Phenomena in Foster Families: Exploring Contributions from Foster Parents’ Early Attachment Experiences,” and focused on the role of attachment in foster families.
Dr. DeYoung’s office is in your home. He uses cutting-edge technology to provide secure and reliable telehealth therapy from your home. Dr. DeYoung was licensed in Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 1995, and he began seeing families in their living rooms as a full-time private practice in 2003.
He is the award-winning author of Revolutionary Marriage: How to Have a Marriage that Changes the World (2020).
Dr. DeYoung is a dynamic family therapist who has pioneered therapy delivery methods in many unique environments. Currently all of his services are provided through online – telehealth methods.
He has served in many capacities. Dr. DeYoung has provided substance abuse treatment, foster care, adoptions, marriage intensives, church and organizational consulting, missionary families (locally and internationally) and training for numerous organizations. Though he has had a wide range of experiences, much of his work has focused in helping families through therapy. The family is a sacred and special set of relationships that Dr. DeYoung has respected and cared for over his entire career.
He is a Clinical Fellow of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and a Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider. Dr. DeYoung has completed Level 3 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy and utilizes the Gottman Method in his work with couples. He currently provides Online-Telehealth therapy services for marriages and families in the entire state of Texas. His private practice includes the following counseling services: Marriage Therapy, Family Therapy, Foster family therapy, Adoption work, Parenting support and coaching.
He has served for over three years as a school board Vice-President. He currently serves on the board for the Keller Counselors Association.