Category: Trauma
A Poem of Hope
Hope has been a bit elusive lately. Wars rage, and there are constant conflicts and crises on the news. I do not want to be negative, but maybe more often than we are willing to admit, life throws us pain, discouragement, and despair. It can be overwhelming. I have a book of poetry by the…
Being Grounded
You probably have some awareness of the psychological concept of being grounded. This idea has developed from therapeutic work with people who have sought healing from various traumas. Trauma in our lives can create lifelong struggles in responding to stressors and feeling triggered as a result of those stressors. The triggers are not necessarily traumatizing.…
Suicide Crisis – An Update
Since the early 1990’s suicide rates in the US have steadily increased. This increase has created a suicide crisis. Rates in 2022 were 3% higher than in 2021, and 2023 data looks to add to that increase. This is a crisis that receives little attention. As a mental health provider, I want to inform my…
Nova the #TherapyCat
Nova has been a popular addition to the blogs. Her first offering was so well received that over 95% said they wanted her to write a regular contribution. So, after a restful holiday season, Nova has told me she has some new insights to share. She even said she was willing to talk about a…